Carolyn Ann Vlk and I worked dilegently in trying to find the answer to the question, How Are Our Children Being Internationally Abducted And Illegally Removed From Our Country?
We believe we have found a significant part of the answer, and on behalf of Carolyn and myself, we urge you to read the titled report: "International Parental Child Abduction and Human Trafficking In The Western Hemisphere".
To download a PDF copy of the report, Please Click Here.
To download a Word copy of the report, Please Click Here.
In advance, thank you for taking the time to read this report - it very well may one day help you protect a defenseless child.
Peter Thomas Senese
The I CARE Foundation is a leading global non-profit organization dedicated to preventing international parental child abduction. The I CARE Foundation’s groundbreaking International Travel Child Consent Form has been hailed as a landmark global child abduction prevention tool by the international legal community including Hague Permanent Bureau Senior Officers. Since our inception in 2009, the reported U.S. outbound child abduction rate has decline by 38%.